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Re: i can't believe it's over!
In Response To: i can't believe it's over! ()

Hello Liddy,

Nice meeting and partying with you. The time did fly by, but there is always enough Blatz light to go around.
Thank you for the delicious grilled steak. Its was worth the wait…
I will corral Matt and visit you on a Wednesday night. I'm sure the service will be GREAT!! I did drive by "Your Restaurant" and there was you vehicle right in front.

Take Care, Tom

: wow! why does it always seem that you blink,
: and hodag is over? the time goes way too
: quickly! and every year somehow seems to be
: better than the last! thanks to everyone who
: made this year so memorible! darryl and the
: band, thanks for the drinks and the fun
: times! dana, too bad that you had to leave,
: we could have had so much fun together! and
: i would have driven you back to nashville if
: the bus left without you! matt and tom, i
: hope that you stop by and see me sometime at
: the restaurant. thanks for the blatz and the
: harley ride, tom. matt, i'm still waiting
: for one from you! i hope to see everyone
: again next year! it's going to be a long 361
: days!!! a final HAPPY HODAG 2002 to
: everyone!

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i can't believe it's over!
Re: i can't believe it's over!

The 43rd Annual Hodag Country Festival - July 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th, 2020

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